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Winter driving and the threat of cross-border personal injury

Following the harsh 2016-2017 winter, authorities warned drivers in British Columbia of the dangers they will face when travelling this winter. However, visitors from south of the border may not be prepared for the potential hazards and the special rules related to winter driving in the province. It is not only American tourists who may fall victim to the hazards of winter but also commercial truck drivers hauling goods across the border, all of which could lead to cross-border personal injury lawsuits.

Winter tire rules for British Columbia became effective on Oct. 1, and authorities say conditions on the roads will be most dangerous over the next three months. As precautions, drivers are urged to ensure their vehicles are fitted with matching tires as per requirements. They are also advised to clear their vehicles of ice and snow and travel equipped with a first-aid kit, blanket, water, food, shovel and snow brush, antifreeze, and jumper cables.

Authorities said that even if the conditions are not as harsh as last year, extra care must be taken. All drivers must be cautious, regardless of where they come from or their level of experience in driving in severe weather conditions. They also warned that Mounties would be out on the roads to identify drivers whose negligent driving endangers the safety of others.

Any American visitors to British Columbia who suffer injuries in accidents that were caused by others who were negligent may find that navigating a personal injury lawsuit while in another country can be challenging. However, the process can be made simpler with the support and guidance of a lawyer who focuses on cross-border personal injury claims. Such legal counsel can also deal with the insurance issues that follow a car accident.

Source:, “Province urges motorists to be prepared, drive cautiously as winter sets in“, Dario Balca, Oct. 2, 2017