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Cross-border personal injury can cause chronic myofascial pain

Auto accidents happen to anybody, at any time and anywhere. For that reason, British Columbia residents who take trips across the border into Washington will always be at risk of being involved in auto accidents. Sometimes, accident injuries have delayed symptoms, and victims decline medical examinations at the time of the accidents. However, when it comes to cross-border personal injury, medical reports might benefit any future legal action to pursue financial relief.

Crashes, particularly those involving rear-end or side-impact, can cause soft tissue injuries that might only become evident in the days following the accident. One type of injury that could cause long-term health problems is chronic myofascial pain. It produces ongoing pain that affects the tissue that connects groups of muscles. It is typically caused by injuries to tendons, ligaments and muscles that are common consequences of car accidents.

Common areas that are affected include the low back, chest, shoulders and neck. Myofascial pain is long lasting, and the affected areas might have trigger points or muscles might be swollen and sensitive to touch. The pain can be stabbing, burning, aching or stinging, and the victim might experience weakness and limited motion range in the affected area. The chronic pain could also lead to depression, headaches, impaired sleep patterns and fatigue.

Chronic myofascial pain is treatable, but it might require ongoing therapy along with medication by drugs, antidepressants and sleep medicine. The medical expenses over time could be substantial, and the chronic pain might prevent a victim from returning to work for an extended period. These circumstances could become overwhelming, but help is available. A British Columbia lawyer who has experience in dealing cross-border personal injury cases and the laws of both jurisdictions can assist in the pursuit of financial and emotional damage recovery.