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Cross-border personal injury: Motorcyclists at higher risk

Reportedly, the average Canadian motorcyclist, including in British Columbia, is almost 14% more likely to have a fatal collision compared to other motorists. When such an accident occurs during a trip south of the border, damage recovery may include complicated legal and administrative procedures. Having to deal with cross-border personal injury claims is not likely to be without problems.

A Hurt Report study shows that more than half of all motorcycle crashes involve riders who have less than five months of riding experience. The research also indicates that a significant percentage of fatal motorcycle accidents involved excessive blood alcohol levels. This significantly increases the risk of being involved in fatal or life-changing accidents.

The Hurt Report study also showed that excessive speed contributed to 12% of the lives lost in motorcycle accidents. Safety authorities recommend that riders attend motorcycle training and refresher courses to reduce the level of danger. Wearing a helmet and protective gear can further reduce the risks of catastrophic injuries — even though it will not eliminate injury risks.

The navigation of insurance and legal issues after a road accident is often complicated. British Columbia residents who suffered injuries while they were travelling to or from Seattle or other destinations in Washington state can consult with an experienced lawyer to get answers to questions about their legal rights. A lawyer who is registered in both countries, and well equipped to deal with cross-border personal injury claims can be an invaluable asset in the pursuit of financial relief for medical and expenses and other monetary damages.