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Year: 2016

Qualifications for the E-1 Treaty Traders classification

Oct 21, 2016 | Employment Immigration

The E-1 nonimmigrant “Treaty Traders” classification offers people from countries with United States trading treaties to gain entry into the United States. The purpose is to allow the individual to enter the United States and carry out international trade activities. Since Canada has a trade/treaty agreement with the United States, Canadian residents who engage in … Continue reading “Qualifications for the E-1 Treaty Traders classification”

Where are Canadians migrating to in the United States?

Sep 9, 2016 | Canadian Immigration Law

As of about 2012, Canadians made up approximately 2 per cent of the immigrants flowing into the United States, a decline from the 10 per cent figure of 1960. Statistics indicate that most Canadian immigrants achieve visas through an immediate relation to a U.S. citizen or via their employment. With as many as 800,000 Canadians … Continue reading “Where are Canadians migrating to in the United States?”