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Month: May 2018

Honesty Is The Best Policy And Other Tips For Border Crossing

May 18, 2018 | U.S. Immigration

Crossing the border can be nerve-wracking at the best of times. Whether you’re headed to the United States for business or pleasure, chances are that you don’t want to have you trip end before it starts by being turned away. So how you minimize your chances of having a negative border experience? Border Solutions’ Mark … Continue reading “Honesty Is The Best Policy And Other Tips For Border Crossing”

Navigating U.S. Immigration and Border Issues As A Business Traveler

May 7, 2018 | U.S. Immigration

For business travelers in Canada, visiting the United States for work purposes is part of the job description. In an era of increased border security and scrutiny, a little preparation can go a long way. Ever since incidences of border detentions and talk of travel bans started making headlines on a regular basis, business travelers … Continue reading “Navigating U.S. Immigration and Border Issues As A Business Traveler”